Friday, May 29, 2009

There is no argument against gay marriage

If you follow this blog regularly, you know one of the most frequent topics is the issue of gay marriage. People tell me I shouldn't worry about it so much, I'm straight, why should I care, etc. The bottom line is the simple fact that the law applies to everyone equally or it applies to no one. The 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law and the 1967 Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia made it explicitly clear that marriage is a basic civil right for all human beings.

I generally shy away from using this kind of language, but not with this topic: there is absolutely no logical or legal reason why gay marriage should remain illegal. None. I've outlined this in multiple blogs and any time the subject comes up, I always ask for a reason to oppose it and no one can do it. Any argument I've ever heard can be immediately debunked by anyone with even the most basic understanding of law and state-sanctioned marriage. My highest education is learning how to talk for a living and I can counter any argument raised by people who oppose same-sex marriage. Imagine what would happen if two brilliant lawyers tackle the subject...

Oh wait, they have. Ted Olson and David Boies, who argued against each other in the infamous Supreme Court case, Bush v. Gore, have teamed up to take this fight to the federal level. Finally! It's time to stop worrying about individual states going through a long, drawn-out process and end this nonsense once and for all. Here's a great video of Olson & Boies appearing on Hardball, how can you possibly argue against the points they raise?


Rosie said...

Really would love to hear someone argue their point. Anyone.

Anonymous said...

Watch Fox News this week, I'm sure someone will try

GM said...

Hmmmm....I pretty much agree with this. I don't see what the big deal is.