Okay, I need a break. You'd be surprised, but tackling the insanity of the right-wing is exhausting when there's just so much of it. So today, I've decided to take on an easy target, this whole fad of Photoshopping Obama as The Joker:
Honestly, I don't really have a problem with this. I don't find it offensive, it's not like when the wingnuts try to make him look like Hitler, and making politicians look like cartoon villains is actually pretty funny:
See? Hilarious! But Jokerbama? I think these posters are good evidence that right-wingers aren't particularly deep and not a lot of thought goes into their outrage. It's not surprising, the Republican Party has gotten people to vote against their own self-interests for decades, just by drumming up irrelevant issues like guns and religion. Yeah, I said it, the right-wing voters cling to guns and religion.
Anyway, why The Joker? Joker is the exact opposite of everything the right-wing claims Obama is doing. Right now, the current lunacy coming from the teabaggers is that Obama is some kind of socialist, communist, tyrannical fascist dictator, that's going to tax you into oblivion and take over American business. Obviously that's absurd, but I'll humor them for a moment... how is that at all related to The Joker? Let's get nerdy!
The Joker has no interest in power, control or money, his only desire is absolute chaos. Yeah, he steals money, but it's only to achieve a goal, he doesn't care about wealth. Go watch The Dark Knight again, once he has all the money from every criminal organization in Gotham City, he simply sets it ablaze! The Joker wants a world that's as crazy as him, he's a terrorist more in line with extreme Libertarianism, so shouldn't we be painting smiles on Ron Paul?
But according to the wingnuts, Obama is now a socialist, communist, fascist, tyrant who wants the country to descend into anarchy. Huh? This is why I have such a hard time taking these people seriously, because they obviously don't know what they're talking about. It's bad enough they're claiming Obama is both a socialist and a fascist, but a tyrannical anarchist? In the words of The Joker: HAhAHahAHAHaHAHahaHAhA!
If you want to dip into Batman's rogues gallery to smear President Obama, may I suggest someone more in line with your ridiculous claims? How about The Penguin? A wealthy, high-society elitist who gains wealth and power through less than legal means. Oh dammit, I just described the Republican Party.
Now I'm not saying it's a big deal or anything. I'm not saying there's something fishy going on here. But why won't Obama just tell us how he got those scars?
A Kunich voter who thinks Obama isn't adequately left enough started the Obama as the Joker fad.
You're really not very smart are you?
In case you doubt me...http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/08/obama-joker-artist.html
I know who started it, Gabe... that didn't stop all the various wingnuts, teabaggers and Becksuckers from latching onto it. Aside from mocking the death of Ted Kennedy and portraying the President as Hitler, the Joker image was probably the most popular poster at the rally.
The point isn't who made it, the point is the right-wing has claimed it as their own. But I wouldn't expect you to understand something so nuanced, you're really not very smart are you?
"A Kunich voter who thinks Obama isn't adequately left enough started the Obama as the Joker fad." ...
and the right decided it represents their cause? Talk about not very smart.
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