I have to admit, I was somewhat surprised by all these apologists coming out of the woodwork, Republicans typically throw their people under the bus at the first sign of trouble: Bobby Jindal was quickly forgotten after that abysmal speech he gave a few months back, everyone's so disappointed Mark Sanford's job after he went hiking the Appalachian Trail (my new favorite euphemism), Rush Limbaugh even said "he could've been our JFK," all but admitting that it was over for South Carolina's governor; but they're not willing to give up Sarah Palin. Oh no, even though she gave a mind-numbing, incoherent speech loaded with bullshit and hypocrisy, the Palin-drones just can't let it go. Like someone about to lose a family member, I believe these poor souls have entered the Five Stages of Grief. Sadly, most of them are stuck in the first two stages, anger & denial. Just find any political discussion on the internet, you'll see what I mean.
But speaking of denial, I did want to share one hilarious quote that I just read a few moments ago. This is from someone trying to convince me that Sarah Palin is a great speaker who actually has a clue what she's talking about:
"I've listened to her speak. She is able to communicate well regarding most any topic that is thrown at her, better than most politicians."
Pardon me while I burst into uncontrollable laughter. I've listened to her speak quite a bit as well and I hear a complete buffoon. It's like the time Bush tried to talk about tribal sovereignty every single time she gives a non-softball interview. Of course, it's hard to find a real interview post-election since she talks to the media less than reclusive celebrities, even though she's a sitting governor. But yeah, listen to any of her interviews during the campaign, there's really only one word to describe her: dummy.
She sounds like a middle school student who has to give a speech to the class, but forgot her note cards and is trying to remember all the neat buzzwords that she learned while researching the subject. She has no clue what she's talking about and she thinks she can get by with cute little winks or just dodging the question.
She's a bigger idiot than Bush, and that takes skill. At least with Bush, as dumb as he was, he seemed like a genuine person who cared about those closest to him and struggled with his decisions... not at all like Palin. Governor Avon Lady is 100% sure of herself 100% of the time and anyone who disagrees isn't a "Real" American. She exploits her children at any given opportunity for political gain (I've seen Bristol Palin give more interviews in one year than the Bush twins did in eight) and she's a vindictive, spiteful, and disingenuous political hack. Sarah Palin is a complete and utter joke; Alaska, America and the world are better off without her in any elected office.
And now for some bonus Palin hilarity. After calling politics a "bloodsport" and threatening to sue anyone who writes anything bad about her, let's hop in our DeLorean and see how Sarah Palin felt about Hillary Clinton's "whining" in March 2008:
I cannot get over that "threaten to sue" nonsense. So much for the first amendment, not that she's ever indicated she understands it anyway. But, as we all know, it'd be the same amendment that allowed her to call Obama a terrorist. The same one that allows others to call him a socialist, fascist, communist, Hitler, etc. She sure doesn't seem upset by any of those allegations against the president of her country, but someone writes about rumors involving her that have been around for over a year, and suddenly lawsuits are threatened? Give me a fucking break. What a horrible attorney she has. And the more she cries about media coverage of her, the worse it will get. Can she not see that?
Nope Im not going to say it,you already know it. You actually think this is good blog writing? It truly lacks intelligence as Im sure you do too.
Anonymity + Personal Insults = No argument. And a pro tip: don't try to mock my intelligence when you don't even have a grasp on basic grammar. Thanks for playing, scooter.
Anon 12:11, you are example No. 181537592943 of someone having nothing to say about the subject at hand, thus having to resort to smearing the author. Yawn.
Bush graduated from Yale and Harvard, and is a two term president of the United States. I'm sure your degree from BFE Community College makes you all knowing ruler of the universe but still....I digress...
Oh, and you missed Rush's point about Sanford. JFK was a famous adulterer...the media rarely talks about JFK is anything other than glowing terms...Guess that went over your head...suprising...Always bright, you lefties are...Indeed.
Anyway, I'm convinced you don't really mean what you write on this blog..it sounds like a severe brainwashing/severe ability to think rationally.
And I really don't blame Palin for leaving Alaska politics. She can pretty much do anything she wants to do now, and I'm sure her bank account with increase quite a bit...
-Anonymous and Totally Not Sousa <_< >_> <_<
Bush graduated from Yale and Harvard because of who his daddy is. That still doesn't change the fact that the guy could barely put words in any sort of order to form a proper sentence. But hey, just insult my intelligence again, you've never been able to raise any sort of legitimate point and instead rely on the very same tactics that Rosie just mentioned above. It's okay, I understand, I'm sure it sucks to be wrong all the time, I'd be angry too.
See, there's a fundamental difference when Republicans commit adultery and it's the fact that they claim to be morally superior. When he was running for governor, Sanford had all sorts of ads talking about his good Christian values. He's part of the Jesus™ crowd, and when you put yourself up on a pedestal, the fall's going to hurt just a bit more. Of course, all this has NOTHING to do with what I was talking about, but obviously you felt the need to bring it up.
So it's okay for you if a sitting governor decides to leave the position they ran for, abandon their constituents, and shirk his or her responsibilities because they want to increase their bank account?
And by the way, thanks for the compliment! You wrote, "it sounds like a severe ability to think rationally." Now you're just making me blush.
Oh and I'm pretty sure "GRR ARGH RAGE" is the new RNC slogan.
"GRRR ARGH RAGE" should be the name of this blog. You libs should be happy...you've got complete control. I'll sit back and watch the trainwreck happen :-)
Liberals do not have complete control, Democrats do.
And it's pretty rich for anyone on the right to whine about a party having complete control. I seem to remember the Republicans running the show from 2001-2006 and that's when our eight years of peace and a booming economy came to a screeching halt. Not to mention the biggest domestic security disaster of all-time and the biggest foreign policy blunder since Vietnam.
Unemployment rate November 2006: (before the Dems took over Congress)...... 4.5%
Ahh..the good old days.
I agree with the Iraq war, so you won't hear me speak ill of it.
9/11 was planned largely during the Clinton administration, so I'm going to ignore that ridicioulous insinuation.
I hope one day I can live in the fantasy world that Gabriel occupies. Ignorance is bliss.
Epic reply Anonymous.
When shall your welfare check be arriving?
Whenever taxes are taken out of your paycheck. Thanks!
ahahaha...Can't wait til you take from me further to get universal moochcare. :-)
Oh yeah, gotta watch out for that evil universal health care... I'm sure you're thrilled that we're on par with great nations like Kazakhstan, Colombia, China, Bolivia, Peru and Nicaragua when it comes to taking care of our citizens.
9/11 may have been planned while Clinton was in office but it was Bush who ignored the intelligence reports and let it actually happen.
Come on you CANNOT be that ignorant. Would you rather have your healthcare taken care of in the United States or one of the countries you menitoned? If you say anything other than the U.S...that's bullshit.
We should have to PROVIDE healthcare to grown ass adults. They should provide it for themselves. I buy my own..why shouldn't everyone else? SELF RELIANCE. What this country is all about.
Let's drive down costs, increase competition, enact tort reform so people can buy their own insurance. Not get Uncle Sam involved in subsidizing the nations losers that can't provide for themselves.
We are the only modern nation on the planet without some form of universal health care, that is the point of the comparison.
A person's health is not a commodity, it's a matter of life or death. C'mon, we're supposedly the greatest nation in the history of the world, right? Well why haven't we figured this out yet? Why do we rank so low in terms of health care and overall health when compared to other nations?
We don't. You're making things up..and I don't really know who feeds you this garbage.
People COME TO AMERICA to take advantage of our outstanding doctors and quality healthcare.
I'm quite satisfied with my healthcare. So are most people who have it.....
People WHO CAN AFFORD IT come to America for our outstanding doctors.
Having great doctors, cutting-edge technology, etc., means very little to the millions and millions of people in this country who can't afford those very things when they most need it.
Two thing I don't get when people say our healthcare industry is fine:
1. Why doesn't it make you uncomfortable that someone makes a profit from you being sick? The sicker you are, the more money someone makes. The longer you are sick, the more money someone makes. The insurance game is to provide as little coverage as possible, approve as few procedures as possible, all to keep profits up. How is that OK? And how is it OK to reject the very people who need insurance most because of "pre-existing conditions"?
2. Why don't conservatives/Republicans ever talk about how much health insurance costs hurt businesses? (You know, businesses other than health insurance.) A March story from Reuters says "The Business Roundtable, which represents the largest U.S. corporations, released a study showing that for every $100 spent in the United States on healthcare, a group of five leading economic competitors -- Canada, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and France -- spend about 63 cents."
And if our healthcare industry is so great, why this? "The United States spends more on healthcare than any other country, but some 46 million Americans are still uninsured." Doesn't that sound like a huge waste of money, to be spending more than every other country but still have so many uninsured?
Business Roundtable report
According to the report, America's health care system costs too much and is ineffective. Americans spend $2.4 trillion a year on health care. The Business Roundtable report says Americans in 2006 spent $1,928 per capita on health care, at least two-and-a-half times more per person than any other advanced country.
The report measured statistics on health factors, such as death rates and blood pressure rates, and placed them in a 100-point scale.
The United States is 23 points behind five leading economic competitors: Canada, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and France. Each of those fully cover their citizens.
The U.S. is 46 points behind China, Brazil and India.
The study asserted that other countries do a better job of using funding and resources to effectively take care of their citizens. They spend less and have healthier workers, according to the report.
You can keep on touting the GOP line Gabriel, but you couldn't be more wrong.
Oh no! Facts! It's Republican Kryptonite! RUN GABRIEL, RUN!!!!
Nobody is arguing against healthcare reform.
Death rates and blood pressure rates have absolutely nothing to do with healthcare. There's whole variety of factors including diet and lifestyle that go into that.......We have pretty busy and pressure pact lives in the United States....
We spend more on healthcare for a variety of reasons...Especially more than we did decades ago because the technology has improved so much. So many more operations are available and more safe. These technological advances are not free. They cost money.
Anyway, what I'm hoping for is a health care plan that allows individuals to buy their own insurance without being dependent upon employment. You should be able to take that healthcare from job to job, and have it when you're unemployed.
Once again, reforms are needed. The government does not need to be involved in providing healthcare.
I'm not very interested in taking the bad ideas of other countries (Universal healthcare) and implementing them here.
We should come up with our own innovative ideas. Not failed ideas.
P.S. That 47 million figure you lefties love to use is highly inflated. Once you take illegal immigrants, and young people who can afford it but choose not to buy it the number is significantly lower.
I get the feeling the far left wants to eventually run health insurers out of business..
Yes, running health insurers out of business is all part of the plan. Step two is taking out the Geico Gecko... that smug son of a bitch.
Link please, to the info on that 47 million figure actually being lower. What's the "real" number?
[quote] Yes, running health insurers out of business is all part of the plan. Step two is taking out the Geico Gecko... that smug son of a bitch.
I mean if insurance companies were these evviiiiillll corporations you try and make them out to be...why would you want them to stay in business? Doesn't make much sense to me.
Doesn't make much sense to me that you think someone's health is less important than an insurance company's bottom line.
Do you act like a dick to every Republican you meet in "real life"?
That's even close to what I said. And of course you didn't respond to the point of my post. Do you think insurance companies should remain in business, and that goverment should eventually take over the health care of all citizens?
If you think they're dicking over people left and right, why would you want them in business?
Hey, I'm a dick to everyone, regardless of political affiliation. See, this is the problem I have with our banter Gabe, one minute you want to be a troll and then when someone responds in kind, you get so defensive. But if you want to seriously talk, okay:
No, I don't necessarily want private insurers to just go out of business. If people want private insurance, that should be their decision, but why can't a public option also be available? I'm sure I'll just sound like a big government liberal to you, but I think the citizens of a nation should be protected. We don't mind pouring more money into national defense than almost every other major nation on Earth, combined, but we can't figure out health care? Something that every modernized country in the world (besides the US) has?
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